Sunday 16 January 2011

Curriculum overview Spring 2011

Welcome back to a new school term and Happy new year to everyone. Please find below a copy of our Curriculum overview for the Spring Term and the activities we intend to cover:

Mathematical Development
- Continue to count/estimate/recognise numbers to 10 and onto 20
- Practise using the vocabulary of position- 1stLittle Pig / 3rd character to pull up turnip
- Begin to understand that adding is increasing a set by 1,2 or 3 - add items to Red Riding Hood basket – find new total
- Rearrange sets of objects, partition in different ways and recognise that there is still the same amount.
- Compare objects by weight/size/quantity- compare sizes of Three Bears / weight of brick, wood, straw/ how much milk
for Bears porridge?
- Practise counting backwards from 5 and 10 - countdown to midnight (Cinderella)
- Sort 3d shapes, recognise cubes / spheres- compare shapes of turnip, poisonous apple, gingerbread house
- Recognise value of different coins- Giants coins (Jack & the beanstalk)

Language, Literacy & Communication
- Self portraits for spring term.
- Continue to recognise and write own name.
- Read/listen to traditional/fairy stories (also taped/CD/online) with increasing concentration
- Develop increased pencil grip, control & L-R orientation through increasingly complicated writing patterns, colourings
and tracings
- Emergent writing activities – retell favourite part of traditional story, ‘write’ pancake/porridge recipes / lists of contents
of Red Riding Hoods basket /characters pulling Enormous Turnip / names of 7 dwarves /Three Little Pigs Houses,
instructions for planting beans / finding way to wood / invites to Cinderella’s Ball / Teddy Bears Picnic /
- Home /school link – share picture books. Tell a simple story through the use of pictures.
- Dictate simple captions /retell story /describe objects and characters / sequence main events in a story / hot seating (taking on a character in a story)
- Letters and Sounds Aspect 1 Phase 1

Knowledge & Understanding of the World
- Properties / names of materials used for Bears’ chairs, Pigs’ houses, Red Riding Hood’s Cape, Giant’s Glasses, Snow
White’s mirror,
- Name/compare animals – bears, pigs, cows, goats , Enormous Turnip animals, mice, wolves
- Investigate Pushes and Pulls – try pulling up buried pumpkin, pulling /pushing Cinderella’s carriage
- Investigate changes during cooking – porridge, ginger bread men, pancakes, turnip soup, Easter nests, bread for the
Little Red Hen
- Plant Beans and watch them grow
- Compare old / new teddy bears
- Compare pictures in Traditional books to modern transport / equipment / objects– e.g old cookers, carriages with
- Follow simple routes/maps – find way to Teddy Bears’ picnic, House of Seven Dwarves, Way back to Hansel and Gretel’s house

Creative Development
ART – Traditional story character masks / collage pig houses / beanstalks / bear pictures, make glasses for Giant (Jim & the
Beanstalk), wand for Fairy Godmother,
- St Dwynwen Cards
- St Davids Day competition craft
- Easter craft
D.T –Design a chair for Baby Bear
- Design a coat to Keep Red Riding Hood dry
- Design a dress for Cinderella to wear to the ball
- Test the strongest house for the 3 Little Pigs.
MUSIC – ‘Music Express’ activities.
- Learn to sing a range of simple songs, general & theme related.
- Learn the names of some percussion instruments – how to hold and play them.
- Listen to music of different genres and cultures.
DANCE – ‘Val Saben’ dance activities.
- Respond to stories, songs, rhymes through movement

Personal & Social Development
- SEAL scheme activities – ‘Going For Gold’ (before half term)
- Introduce idea of a goal – can we make our self portrait even better?
Each child to set a target e.g share toys – display on wall – reinforce
- Activities which involve the children saying what they are good at / self
evaluating their work and what they could do to improve.
- ‘Good To Me’ (after half term)
- Pass the box around circle with mirror inside. Explain there is something
special inside. Children take turns to look in the box.
- Pass teddy around circle and explain that he is happy and excited. What do
you think he is excited about ?
- Play guess the expression game.
- Discuss different feelings of characters in traditional stories

Welsh Language Development
-Continue ‘brawddeg yr wythnos’ (sentence of the week) on a weekly basis
-Learn a range of theme related vocabulary through stories
-Watch Welsh language DVD’s (Fflic & Fflac / Ding Dong) to enhance and
develop language and extend vocabulary
-Continue to choose ‘Helpwr heddiw’ (helper of the day), ‘Seren y dydd’ (star of
the day)on a daily basis
- Use Easy speak microphone to record our vocabulary
- Learn about St Dwynwen, the patron saint of Welsh lovers (Welsh Valentine’s
day – 25th January)

Physical Development
- Develop gross motor skills –‘Val Saben’ scheme activities - ‘Travelling’ (Gym)
Use circles to develop space awareness
Travel on different body parts – choose your favourite way to travel &
Use ‘tuff cam’ to record & evaluate ways of travelling – which one did you
like ?
- ‘Rolling and kicking’ (Games)
Roll ball can you stop it? Can you make your ball hit a wall?
Roll ball to a friend - can they roll it back?
Roll ball to a target
Can you make the ball move using your feet?
Make the ball move slowly/quickly
- Outdoor play – bikes/scooters, climbing frames, play fort on infant yard
- Fine motor skills – mouse control activities, cutting out practise, threading,
drawing, colourings, peg boards