Thursday 31 January 2013

How much is the car ?

We like reading our number books and counting our monkeys in our reading jungle !

Using ICT to support our learning

Numbers in the Outdoor Area

 We found our "number of the week " -6

 How many steps are there ?

Favourite Bedtime Toys

 We talked about our favourite toys

 We sorted our toys into ones made out of soft and hard material. We decided to put the soft doll with a hard head in the middle of our two circles !

Thursday 10 January 2013

Spring Term Overview 2013- "Toys"

- Self portraits for Spring term.
- Continue to recognise and write own name, ensuring correct letter formation
- Read/listen to a variety of topic related stories and rhymes

- Sound of the week (Jolly Phonic)
- Develop pencil grip & left-right orientation through pre- writing activities: increasingly complicated writing patterns, colourings,tracing , shaving foam, stencils
- Develop pre- reading activities – odd one out, left to right orientation, difference between pictures and print, picture snap/lotto 
- Group reading activities - sharing stories
- Develop speaking and listening skills- 'Letters & Sounds' phase 1 activities
- Emergent writing activities – favourite part of story/character, invitations, labelling, etc

- ABACUS scheme activities.
- Count, recognise and name numbers 1 – 10 and on to 20

- Number of the week
- Count, match, order sets of objects.- 1-1 correspondence
- Develop positional vocabulary - on/under/beside/in front/above/between/behind
- Begin to understand that adding is increasing a set by 1,2 or 3
- Compare toys by size/weight/quantity/material
- Recognise and name 2D shapes
- Recognise and continue simple repeating patterns
- Use money in role play areas
-Use Ict to generate pictograms

- ‘Val Sabin activities (gym, games,).
- Develop spatial awareness.- coloured ribbons, coloured spots, coloured hand/footprints
- Awareness of body parts.- transfer weight to body parts, carry beanbags on body parts, travel on different body parts(record and evaluate using tough cam)
- Play traffic lights to develop response to instructions
- Develop, co-ordination and gross motor skills –pedalling, manoeuvring, climbing, sliding, pushing ,pulling, throwing, catching, rolling, jumping, hopping, skipping ,balancing
- Develop fine motor control – peg board colour patterns, sorting small coloured objectswith tweezers, threading coloured beads

- Continue to introduce ‘brawddeg yr wythnos’ (Sentence of the week) on a weekly basis to build up phrases
- Develop a range of topic-related vocabulary:- toys, colours, numbers, greetings, weather, etc
- Watch Welsh language videos/DVD’s (‘Ding Dong’, ‘Fflic a Fflac’) to enhance and develop language
- Choose a ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ and ‘Seren y dydd’ daily
- Sing a range of simple Welsh songs

- Primary National Strategy PSE scheme (SEAL)
- Continue to learn to share and take turns.
- Continue to adapt to school routines and become independent in personal

- Continue to identify different feelings and emotions
- Develop an awareness of toys used in other

- Develop self confidence
- Develop understanding of right and wrong
-Toy Story- friendships
-Identify special/favourite toys (Dogger)
- Toys we played with as babies

- ART - Make St Dwynwen card,Mother's Day card, Easter card
- Observations drawings of toys/teddies
- Potato printing

D.T – Make a robot using split pin mechanism
- Design and make a pape bag puppet
- Design and make a Jack-in -the-box

-  MUSIC – ‘Music Express’ activities- how can you make sound of bouncing ball, clockwork toy etc
- Listen to Vivaldi Four Season- paint colour for picture that “sounds” like the music
- DANCE – ‘Val Sabin’ dance activities
- Respond to different stimuli - move like a spinning top
- Explore a variety of simple movements- explode , turn, spin, shoot, spring ,bounce,  - sequence 2 movements

- Use a variety of sources to compare old/new toys
- ICT 2 simple -create pictures of favourite toys
- Beebot /I pad activities
- Materials used in toys - use senses and identify
- Describe how toys move - how can we make them faster/slower/stop/light up?
- Find a good location for our Teddy Bears Picnic e.g grass, by a stream
- Toy hunt - can you find the toys that are hiding around the school?


St Dwynwen's Day - 25th January

Valentines Day
Chinese New Year
Shrove Tuesday
Mothers Day
Easter celebrations

Sunday 6 January 2013

Last day of term

Blwyddyn newydd dda!

A very happy new year  - Blwyddyn Newydd Dda - to all the children and their families.  We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday and you are ready for the start of the new school term.  We would like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts the Nursery staff received at the end of last term.  It was very kind of you and much appreciated.
See you all tomorrow!