Saturday 12 February 2011

Red Riding Hood - Emergent writing

We 'wrote' a list of things that we would take to our Grandma to cheer her up if she wasnt feeling well.

Making wolf masks

PSE - Stranger Danger

We have been talking about the dangers of talking to strangers like Little Red Riding Hood did in the story.

We drew around our hand then talked about 5 people who are safe to talk to. Most of us spoke about our family.

Decorating cakes for Grandma

Dressing up

We have been dressing up as the character from Little Red Riding Hood and acting out the story

Red Riding Hood's basket

We have been weaving basket shapes

Windy days

The weather has been very windy so we took our windmills and kites outside


Our beanstalks are beginning to grow shoots!

Welsh language development

We have been practising how to answer to the question Sut wyt ti? (How are you?)

Bendigedig!! (Fantastic!!)

Wedi blino (tired)

Ofnadwy (Terrible)

Gweddol (Not too bad)

Computer suite

We visit the computer suite once every week to practise our mouse control skills whilst playing language and number games. We work on the computer with our talking partner.