Sunday 10 October 2010

Body Parts

We enjoyed balancing and moving using different parts of the

We enjoyed printing using seasonal vegetables.

We enjoy taking turns on the plasma screen.

We chose colours to match out skin colour.

We enjoyed making "gingerbread" out of playdough.

It is lots of fun in the baby clinic !

We have been practising our pencil grips.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Physical Development in N2

Friday 8 October 2010

w/b 4th October '10

This week we visited the play fort on the infant yard. We had fun climbing, going down the slide and the fireman pole.

Outdoor play on the Nursery yard

We played some games with the parachute

In PE this week we played some games to practise finding a space.
We travelled around the hall in different ways to the music...............

......When the music stopped we quickly had to find a space

We sang the action song Dingle Dangle scarecrow

This week we have been talking about the meaning of harvest and why we celebrate it.
We read about "The little red hen" who planted grains of wheat to grow, harvested the corn and made bread to share with her friends who didn't want to help her.

We talked about different fruit and vegetables and had a go at printing with some of them

We coloured in fruit and vegetables

Free play time

Our new vets role play area

We played a sound lotto game. We listened carefully to each sound on the CD and matched them to the pictures on our boards.

Water play

Making cakes with play dough

Helping each other on the plasma screen computer

Our two pet goldfish now have names! The great names we all thought up at home were put into a hat and the names picked out were "Charlie and Lola!" by J in Nursery 1.