Friday 17 December 2010

Nadolig Llawen - Merry Christmas!

All the Nursery staff would like to say a big thank you for your support during your child's first term in school and also for the very kind cards and gifts we have received. We would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and hope that Santa brings the children everything they asked for! See you all in 2011!

Christmas Party!

On thursday afternoon we had our Christmas party. We enjoyed dancing in the hall and playing games.....


We played 'pass the santa'. We passed Santa around the circle and when the music stopped whoever was holding him won a prize.

We played musical statues. We were very good at keeping still!

We worked up an appetite with all that dancing so we went back to our classrooms to eat our party food!


We read the Nativity story and learnt about the meaning behind Christmas. We then programmed 'Bee-Bot' to go to the different pictures from the story.
We enjoyed dressing up as the nativity characters

Monday 13 December 2010

"We're so Angelic! Don't you agree?"

Last week we were very busy with our first christmas concert in school. We did 5 performances, including a dress rehearsal for the junior children, but we loved dressing up as reindeers and angels and sang our songs really well every day even though we were very tired by the end of the week! Our teachers and families were all very proud of us and thought we were brilliant!

Nursery trip to see Santa at Brecon

On Tuesday 7th December Nursery visited Santa at Brecon Mountain Railway. We all had a fantastic day!

Waiting for the steam train to arrive at Pant station, Merthyr

Here it comes!

On board the steam train

Beautiful snowy scenes from the train

Santa was waiting on the platform to give us a wave as the train passed!

In Brecon waiting to see Santa in his grotto

We told Santa that we had been good boys and girls and what we would like him to bring us on Christmas Eve. Santa was very kind and gave us all a present
We hope you have been good girls this year Miss Tucker & Mrs Jones!

We wore our masks from Santa for the train journey back to Merthyr