Sunday 25 April 2010

Nursery Summer overview 2010

Language, Literacy & Communication
-Self portraits for summer term
-Read/ listen to variety of theme related poems/stories (also taped/CD/online)
-Continue to take home picture books on weekly basis
- ‘Letters & Sounds’ – continue Phase 1 speaking/ listening games and activities.
-Become proficient in recognising /overwriting own names
-Theme related Pre-writing activities – emergent writing, colourings, tracing simple outlines, writing patterns.
-Theme related pre-reading activities- jigsaws/ odd-one-out etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for language activities

Mathematical Development
-ABACUS maths scheme activities Term 3.
-Explore symmetry (butterflies, ladybirds, etc)
-Pictograms (favourite mini beast, favourite mode of transport etc)
-Sorting objects into sets e.g. by how many wheels a vehicle has, number of legs on animals, etc)
-Measuring length in non standard units (pictures of vehicles/animals)
-Explore patterns on caterpillars, butterflies, tyres.
-Ordinal numbers – race toy cars (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
-Dot to dot pictures
-Number games/ flashcards/jigsaws/templates etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for number activities

Physical Development
-‘Val Saben’ scheme activities (Gym/Games)
-Various activities to further develop and refine fine motor/gross motor skills e.g. large apparatus/ small tools/ outdoor equipment/garden tools/ scissors to refine cutting skills/ lacing cards/ mallets etc.
-Outdoor activities e.g. play fort/ climbing frames/bikes/scooters/walks etc.
-Investigate ways we move – explore travelling/making pathways, etc
-fly kites
-parachute games

Welsh Language Development
-Learn some simple theme related vocabulary –vehicles, animals, minibeasts.
-Watch Welsh language DVD’s (Fflic aFflac/ Ding Dong) to enhance and develop language and extend vocabulary

Personal & Social Development, Well-being & Cultural Diversity
-Primary National Strategy (SEAL) PSE scheme for ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changes’ topics
- Rules for looking after minibeasts and animals.
-Circle time activities – talk about favourite animals, favourite ways of travelling, favourite places to visit with their families, discuss feelings about moving onto a different class.
-Ugly bug tea party
-Look at modes of transport in other countries
-Look at pictures of animals from other countries
-Talk about Road safety rules

Creative Development
ART-Theme related art and craft activities e.g. painting/drawing/ junk models/playdough
-Still life drawings/paintings
-clay models/collages/junk models of minibeasts/vehicles

DT-Half term hometask – create something that moves
-Make spiders using egg boxes and pipe cleaners.
-make windmills

MUSIC- Music Express activities, minibeast/transport songs

CREATIVE MOVEMENT- ‘Val Saben’ scheme activities
-Move like various forms of minibeasts/animals/vehicles

Knowledge & Understanding of the World
-Mini beast hunt – study in bug boxes/with magnifying glasses
-Ant farm, butterfly garden – observe changes
-Study lifecycles of a butterfly and frog
-Visit school pond to observe pond life
-Traffic surveys
-Barnaby Bear’s travels
- People who help us – crossing patrol
-Observe seasonal weather changes
-Investigate space/space travel
-Experiment with floating and sinking
-Observe shadows
-Compare past and present transport

Religious Education
-Continue to learn more about good v bad, right v wrong, kind v unkind in terms of choices, behaviour, attitudes
-Stories – ‘The good Samaritan’, ‘Jonah and the whale’, ‘Daniel in the Lion’s den’
-Thank you prayers for our dads for Father’s day (emergent writing)

Saturday 24 April 2010

Sharing assembly

We began the week with a sharing assembly. We shared with the rest of the infants what we did last term:

" We did fingerprint chicks"

"We baked and sold cakes for Bobath"

"We did colour mixing"

"We are taking picture books home"

Friday 23 April 2010

On the Move - Minibeasts!

Our topic this term is 'On the Move' and for this half term we are looking at different minibeasts. This week and next week we are learning about caterpillars and butterflies. We have enjoyed the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

We made minibeasts out of play dough

We have our very own minibeasts in Nursery to take care of:


We have enjoyed watching the ants crawling around in their new home. We have been looking closely to see if they have started to dig tunnels. We fed the ants a tiny piece of apple. We have to feed them once a week.

We also have 5 caterpillars to look after. They are eating their food like the very hungry caterpillar did in the story and are growing bigger every day. In a few weeks time they will be beautiful butterflies.

Language, Literacy & Communication

We did caterpillar writing patterns

Mathematical Development

We created a 2 coloured pattern caterpillar by printing with paint and sponges

We used the building blocks outside to make caterpillars. We placed numbers to 10 on our caterpillars in the correct order.

Creative Development

We have been painting different minibeasts

We have been making caterpillar models using 'modroc'

ICT - 'Bee-Bot'

We listened to the story of the very hungry caterpillar and directed 'Bee Bot' to the different foods on the mat that the caterpillar ate.

Enjoying the sunshine!

Searching for 'minibeasts' in our grassy area

Drawing caterpillars and butterflies

Telling stories in the puppet theatre

We stuck together different coloured circles to make caterpillars

Thursday 1 April 2010

Mathematical Development

We have been talking about heavy and light objects. We went for a walk around the Nursery yard to search for things that were easy to pick up and things that were difficult for us to pick up.

We cut out heavy and light objects from catalogues.

Knowledge and Understanding

We have been looking at the different parts of a flower and naming them (petal, stem, leaf, root). We put white carnations in different coloured food colouring and watched the petals gradually change colour over a few days.

We spotted frog spawn in the school pond!