Wednesday 18 April 2012

Pre-Easter photos

Making 'silly soup' with rhyming words!

Relay team games using the apparatus

A windy day!

3d shapes - colouring the net of a cube

Circle time - listening to a story and thinking about the feelings of the characters

Miss Evans' birthday - we celebrated with a party on the yard!

The cake was yummy!!

PC Daniels came to visit.  She talked to us about stranger danger and how to cross the road safely

Easter craft - we painted bread then printed onto paper

We cut out and sequenced the Easter story

We remembered the Easter story very well

P.E - aiming a ball at a target

Using the large apparatus

Crawling soldiers


Frog hopping

Look at our lovely and very colourful tie-dye tshirts!

Last day of term - we wore our fantastic Easter bonnets!

Waiting for egg rolling

We paraded around the main hall in front of the school to show off our bonnets

Congratulations to the winners!!