Sunday 25 April 2010

Nursery Summer overview 2010

Language, Literacy & Communication
-Self portraits for summer term
-Read/ listen to variety of theme related poems/stories (also taped/CD/online)
-Continue to take home picture books on weekly basis
- ‘Letters & Sounds’ – continue Phase 1 speaking/ listening games and activities.
-Become proficient in recognising /overwriting own names
-Theme related Pre-writing activities – emergent writing, colourings, tracing simple outlines, writing patterns.
-Theme related pre-reading activities- jigsaws/ odd-one-out etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for language activities

Mathematical Development
-ABACUS maths scheme activities Term 3.
-Explore symmetry (butterflies, ladybirds, etc)
-Pictograms (favourite mini beast, favourite mode of transport etc)
-Sorting objects into sets e.g. by how many wheels a vehicle has, number of legs on animals, etc)
-Measuring length in non standard units (pictures of vehicles/animals)
-Explore patterns on caterpillars, butterflies, tyres.
-Ordinal numbers – race toy cars (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
-Dot to dot pictures
-Number games/ flashcards/jigsaws/templates etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for number activities

Physical Development
-‘Val Saben’ scheme activities (Gym/Games)
-Various activities to further develop and refine fine motor/gross motor skills e.g. large apparatus/ small tools/ outdoor equipment/garden tools/ scissors to refine cutting skills/ lacing cards/ mallets etc.
-Outdoor activities e.g. play fort/ climbing frames/bikes/scooters/walks etc.
-Investigate ways we move – explore travelling/making pathways, etc
-fly kites
-parachute games

Welsh Language Development
-Learn some simple theme related vocabulary –vehicles, animals, minibeasts.
-Watch Welsh language DVD’s (Fflic aFflac/ Ding Dong) to enhance and develop language and extend vocabulary

Personal & Social Development, Well-being & Cultural Diversity
-Primary National Strategy (SEAL) PSE scheme for ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changes’ topics
- Rules for looking after minibeasts and animals.
-Circle time activities – talk about favourite animals, favourite ways of travelling, favourite places to visit with their families, discuss feelings about moving onto a different class.
-Ugly bug tea party
-Look at modes of transport in other countries
-Look at pictures of animals from other countries
-Talk about Road safety rules

Creative Development
ART-Theme related art and craft activities e.g. painting/drawing/ junk models/playdough
-Still life drawings/paintings
-clay models/collages/junk models of minibeasts/vehicles

DT-Half term hometask – create something that moves
-Make spiders using egg boxes and pipe cleaners.
-make windmills

MUSIC- Music Express activities, minibeast/transport songs

CREATIVE MOVEMENT- ‘Val Saben’ scheme activities
-Move like various forms of minibeasts/animals/vehicles

Knowledge & Understanding of the World
-Mini beast hunt – study in bug boxes/with magnifying glasses
-Ant farm, butterfly garden – observe changes
-Study lifecycles of a butterfly and frog
-Visit school pond to observe pond life
-Traffic surveys
-Barnaby Bear’s travels
- People who help us – crossing patrol
-Observe seasonal weather changes
-Investigate space/space travel
-Experiment with floating and sinking
-Observe shadows
-Compare past and present transport

Religious Education
-Continue to learn more about good v bad, right v wrong, kind v unkind in terms of choices, behaviour, attitudes
-Stories – ‘The good Samaritan’, ‘Jonah and the whale’, ‘Daniel in the Lion’s den’
-Thank you prayers for our dads for Father’s day (emergent writing)