Sunday 29 November 2009

Creative Development 23rd-27th Nov '09

As part of our Multicultural theme this week we explored 'Batik' (An art and a craft practised in mainly Indonesia where cloth is decorated using wax and dye)

'To explore and experiment with a variety of techniques and materials'

Thinking skills

Communication - oracy

1) We lit a candle and carefully dripped the melted wax onto our piece of material

2) We dipped our piece of material into food colouring.

3) Once the material had dried, we cracked off the candle wax to reveal the patterns we had created.

In Music/Creative Movement we explored Beat and tempo. We listened to a story about Ananse spider, a Caribbean story character, then danced to 'Ratta's dance' by turning, twisting, bending low, stretching high, etc. We tried to match the speed of the music, getting faster and faster just like Ratta did in the story.

Music - 'To listen and respond to music'

'To experience music from different cultures'

Creative movement - 'To develop responses to different stimuli such as music'

Thinking skills

Communication - oracy

We listened to different tunes on the piano and talked about how they made us feel like moving. We responded by moving around the hall in different ways.

'To explore and express a range of moods and feelings through a variety of movements'

Thinking skills

Communication - oracy