Friday 9 October 2009

5th - 9th October '09

This week, our focus has been on parts of the body

We learnt the finger rhyme "Tommy thumb, where are you?" and used our ICT skills by recording our singing with the 'Easi-Speak' microphone.

We drew around our bodies on large sheets of paper and talked about how we all differ in size (number skills - measuring)

In this number activity, we threw a spotty dice and counted the spots each time.

In this outdoor activity, the children used their number recognition and counting skills to make a number line using large number mats.

This 'Kim's game' activity involved us using our thinking skills. We looked at and talked about a variety of pieces of clothing e.g. sock, glove, scarf, hat, belt, vest. These were then covered with a cloth and removed discreetly one at a time while we closed our eyes. We then had to think carefully about which object had been removed.

We used our hands to feel a variety of objects with different textures whilst wearing a blindfold. We had to guess which object was in our hands. (thinking skills)

We used individual foot and hand cut outs to make pictures.

(Communication skills - mark-making)

We used scissors to cut out pieces of the 'body puzzle' and stuck them back together again in our books. (thinking skills)

In P.E we talked about what we use different body parts for then acted out different body movements. We thought about how many different ways we can use our hands and feet and demonstrated some of these.