In this emergent writing activity we 'wrote' down what we would like to eat from the cafe menus. (Communication skills - mark making)
In maths we have been discussing 'large' and 'small'. (Number skills - measuring)
We made large and small towers outside using the building blocks.
We made large and small towers using unifix cubes.
We sorted the compare bears into large, medium and small sets.
(Number skills - sort objects according to a given criterion)
In this Interactive Whiteboard activity we had to choose the correct size shoes for 'little', 'middle' and 'big' (ICT skills)
We had a visit from the 'Cool seas' roadshow. We were able to look at lots of different inflatable sea creatures.
We had 6 pots which contained different smells. We took turns to be blindfolded and sniff the contents of each pot. We tried to guess what the smell was. (Thinking skills)

We have been looking at 'feelings' pictures to show how we can feel sometimes. We made the different expressions and talked about what may make us feel that way.
(Communication skills)
We had 6 pots which contained different smells. We took turns to be blindfolded and sniff the contents of each pot. We tried to guess what the smell was. (Thinking skills)
We brought coins to lay on a picture of harvest fruits before sending to a chosen charity.

We planted cress seeds in plastic cups to make 'cress heads'. We decorated our cups with a face and took them home to watch them grow.
We planted cress seeds in plastic cups to make 'cress heads'. We decorated our cups with a face and took them home to watch them grow.
We ended the half term by taking part in a 'sharing assembly' with the rest of the infants. We stood up in our groups and told everyone about some of the activities we have enjoyed this term. We ended by standing up and singing the welsh song we have been learning; 'troi ein dwylo'. (Communication skills)