This week we learnt the number rhyme "5 little ducks went swimming one day". Through this activity we practised reciting and counting numbers to 5.
Through this "Fizzy's Numbers" ICT activity we played some games which focus on numbers 1 - 10.
We searched for 2-D shapes (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles) around the Nursery yard then used our thinking and communication skills to sort and match them into shape sets. We then tried to make the shapes ourselves using our bodies.

We explored changes by melting chocolate in the microwave, sharing it into 'petit four' cases, then used our thinking skills to decide how we could make the chocolate solid again. We put our chocolates in the fridge and when they were set we decorated them with a smartie and took them home to enjoy.
We each made a friendship bracelet for a chosen friend. We decorated a paper strip by making marks with felt pens.

We have enjoyed playing a range of play perscussion instruments and exploring/thinking about the sounds that they make.
We have enjoyed playing a range of play perscussion instruments and exploring/thinking about the sounds that they make.
During a PSE Circle time activity, we passed chocolate teddy around each other in a circle. When it was our turn to hold chocolate teddy, we used our communication skills to tell everybody which friends we had played with that day. We listened to our friends when it wasn't our turn to speak.
We have been using our ICT skills in the infant computer suite. We work with our talking/computer partners and in this 'Mouse Skills' game we are practising our mouse control.

We have 'painted' pictures of ourselves on the plasma screen computer using the '2Paint' programme.We have really enjoyed playing new games with the parachute during PE lessons.