On Monday, we focused on fitness. Mr Williams from Year 6 and Mr Llewellyn from Year 5 did a 'Tumble Tots' keep fit class with Nursery and Reception.
(Communication - listen & respond)
On Monday afternoon we had a fun activity afternoon with Reception. Activities included going on the climbing frame, riding the bikes/scooters, going on the play fort, playing with bats/balls etc and relay beanbag races.

On Tuesday we talked about healthy foods. We all brought in a piece of fruit each which we peeled, chopped up and arranged into a fruit salad. We shared out the fruit salad into individual pots so that we could all taste the different healthy fruit

We used our ICT skills to program "Bee-Bot" to go to the healthy foods on the mat.

We rubbed a special lotion into our hands before washing them throughly with soap and water. We then put our hands under a special Ultraviolet light to see if we had left any dirt/germs left on our hands.

Thursday was 'Go Green' day. We all wore something green to school.

On Tuesday we talked about healthy foods. We all brought in a piece of fruit each which we peeled, chopped up and arranged into a fruit salad. We shared out the fruit salad into individual pots so that we could all taste the different healthy fruit
We used our ICT skills to program "Bee-Bot" to go to the healthy foods on the mat.
We coloured in different fruits, cut them out and stuck them into a fruit bowl. (Communication - mark making)

We completed fruit/vegetable jigsaws (Thinking skills)

We made funny fruit faces on the plasma screen (ICT skills)

We completed fruit/vegetable jigsaws (Thinking skills)
We made funny fruit faces on the plasma screen (ICT skills)
We shared a healthy picnic lunch on the Nursery yard with Reception.

We listened to a talk from Jan Williams, a health visitor, on the importance of thorough hand washing.
We listened to a talk from Jan Williams, a health visitor, on the importance of thorough hand washing.
(Communication skills)
We rubbed a special lotion into our hands before washing them throughly with soap and water. We then put our hands under a special Ultraviolet light to see if we had left any dirt/germs left on our hands.
Thursday was 'Go Green' day. We all wore something green to school.
We had a visit and talk (Communication skills) from "Rhyscycle" who told us about the importance of recycling and not dropping litter.

We have made some outstanding outfits made from recycled materials at home with our parents. We modelled them on the catwalk stage in the main hall to the rest of the school.
We have made some outstanding outfits made from recycled materials at home with our parents. We modelled them on the catwalk stage in the main hall to the rest of the school.
Here are some pictures of us modelling our wonderful outfits: