Sunday, 24 January 2010

Area of study outline Spring Term 2010

Language, literacy and communication
-Self portraits for Spring term
-Read/ listen to variety of theme related poems/ stories(also taped/CD/online
-Retell familiar stories/ choose favourite part
-Take home picture books on weekly basis (after half term)
-Introduce ‘Letters & Sounds’(PNS)- Phase 1 speaking/ listening games and activities
-Extend knowledge of Nursery Rhymes/ finger rhymes etc.
-Continue to recognise /overwrite own names/trace simple outlines/pre- writing patterns/ colourings
-Emergent writing activities e.g. lists, thank you letters, orders
-Pre-reading activities- jigsaws/ odd-one-out etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for language activities

Mathematical Development
-ABACUS scheme activities
-Counting 1-10/20
-Counting/ matching/ ordering sets
-Positional vocabulary
-Adding 1,2,3 more to a number
-Weighing- heavy/light
-Comparing objects by size
-Sorting 3D shapes-recognise spheres and cubes
-Look at coins- use play money in role-play areas
-Matching sets to different numbers
-Number games/ flashcards/jigsaws/templates etc.
-Computer/IWB/Plasma touch screen for number activities

Physical Development
-‘Val Saben’ activities (Gym/ Games)
-‘Rolling and kicking’
-Various activities to further develop and refine fine motor/gross motor skills e.g. large apparatus/ small tools/ outdoor equipment/garden tools/ scissors/ mallets etc.
-Outdoor activities e.g. play fort/ climbing frames/bikes/scooters/play stilts/walks etc.

Welsh Language Development
-Continue ‘brawddeg yr wythnos ’on a weekly basis
-Learn a range of theme related vocabulary through stories e.g. ‘Dewi dinosor- y tywydd’, ‘Hwyl ar y fferm’, ’Allan i chwarae’
-Watch Welsh language DVD’s (Fflic +Fflac/ Ding Dong) to enhance and develop language and extend vocabulary
-Continue to choose ‘Helpwr heddiw’, ‘Seren y dydd’ on a daily basis
-St David’s day celebrations/ competitions

-Primary National Strategy PSE scheme for ‘Going for goals’ topic
-Continue development of social skills
-Circle Time games and activities
- Develop further independence in personal needs
-Develop a growing interest in the surrounding world- learning to show respect for living things
-Demonstrate care and affection for others in Nursery
-Understand what is right and wrong
-Look at Chinese New Year- foods/ customs and traditions/ view DVD

Creative Development
ART-Theme related art and craft activities e.g. painting/drawing/ junk models/playdough
-Still life drawings/paintings
-models for ‘Garden Centre’
-colourings for St David’s Day(C.C.)
DT-cards for St Dwynwen’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter
-Kites/ Windmills
MUSIC-Welsh songs (St David’s Day/ Assembly)
-Music Express-‘Special people-Chinese New Year/ ‘Working world’- on the farm
DANCE- ‘Val Saben’ activities- ‘Everyday’

Knowledge and Understanding of the World
-Plant seeds
-Look for signs of Spring/ suitable clothing/woodland walk
-Observe seasonal/ daily weather changes
-Identify and name parts of a plant
-Sequences of routines/ changes as we grow
-Discuss where we live/ our addresses
-Taste different breads/ cooking- pancakes, biscuits, Welsh cakes etc.
-Computers/ IWB/Plasma touch screen activities to enhance Language, Maths and further develop basic computer skills
-Bee-bot activities

Visits, visitors and matters of interest
-St Dwynwen’s Day
-St Valentine’s Day
-Chinese New Year
-St David’s Day
-Mother’s Day
-Easter celebrations
-Easter bonnet parade

Religious Education
-Learn more about good v bad, right v wrong, kind v unkind in terms of choices, behaviour, attitudes
-Stories from O.T./N.T. with reference to these e.g. Good Samaritan, Jonah runs away, David and Goliath, Daniel and the lions, Jesus at a wedding, Zaccheus, Easter story
-Aesop’s fables
-Thank you prayers for our mums (emergent writing)