Emergent writing - we 'wrote' about our favourite part of the 'Blue Balloon' story.
Balloon modelling with Mrs Welcher
Chinese New Year - tasting Chinese food.
Fine motor - Playing with noodles and chopsticks!

'Letters & Sounds' - listening to and matching the instrument that was being played behind the screen.
'Letters & Sounds' - listening to and matching the instrument that was being played behind the screen.
Learning our letters - 't'
Maths - Ordering from smallest - largest
PSD (Circle time) Talking about who we love and why on St Dwynwen's Day
Language - 'Kim's Game'. We had to remember a selection of objects on a tray beginning with the same letter. We took turns to remove something from the tray while our friends hid their eyes. We all had to spot what was missing from the tray. We were very clever at this game.